Simon Says

A Demo a Day: Day 10.

Prepare ye the way; a new savior is coming.

This song introduces Psi, one of the morally ambiguous characters. He’s a rising pop star with a message heralding the arrival of THE ONE, a superbeing come to Earth to save us from ourselves. The lyrics amplify Maggie’s messages of needing to prepare and sort ourselves out before the end of days, but with an added dose of right wing conspiracy dog whistle: specifically, the globalists are coming to take away your guns and money under a new One World Government.

Download Lyrics (PDF)

The music is bubble gum electronic soul, a bit of fluff intended to lighten the mood and pick up the pace as Act I draws to a close. The staging and the production design should be glam, glitz and pomp to reflect this.

I’m pleased with how the rhythm tracks came out. We’ll need a real hip hop singer to pull this one off on the record, not to mention some actual lady background singers for the doo-wops! Can’t wait to level this track up. But it’s already pretty fun.




I Want to Believe